Tyffany Sweeney Laurano

Job title:
NAH Chief Nursing Officer
Northern Arizona Healthcare Administration
1200 N. Beaver St.
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001
Phone: 928-773-2011


Ms. Sweeney Laurano was named the chief nursing officer for NAH in October 2019, after having served the organization as a nurse and nurse leader for the previous 18 years.  A large portion of her time was spent caring for trauma patients at the Flagstaff Medical Center’s, Level 1 emergency department. Ensuring safe, high-quality, patient-centered care started during her time as a caregiver and has remained her focus as she transitioned to executive leadership. Ms. Sweeney Laurano earned her bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Arizona and her master’s degree in nursing from Grand Canyon University.

Type/Degree School Major/Specialty
Master’s in nursing Grand Canyon University.
Bachelor’s in nursing University of Arizona