When you or a loved one comes to the Emergency Department, your safety is on the top of your mind. Seeking care immediately when any emergency arises improves your quality of life following care and helps our team appropriately treat you.
At Northern Arizona Healthcare’s Flagstaff Medical Center, Verde Valley Medical Center and Sedona Campus, we choose to make safety our first priority, which is why we continue to update our Emergency Department operations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Precautions are in place to ensure that anyone who needs care is protected from the spread of the virus.
Our Emergency Department precautions include the following:
Pre-screening of all patients prior to entering.
Separate entrances for all patients who meet screening criteria, meaning they have experienced symptoms consistent with, or were exposed to someone with a known diagnosis, of COVID-19.
Universal masking for all patients and staff upon entering our facilities.
Quick and separate rooming for people suspected to have COVID-19 and those who are not.
Strict room and environmental cleaning guidelines ensure surfaces are properly disinfected.
Be assured there is no need to delay emergency care. Our teams stand prepared to care for all your healthcare needs, while following guidelines that protect against the spread of the virus. As always, thank you for trusting us with the most important thing in the world – your health.