Northern Arizona Healthcare earns 2019 CHIME HealthCare’s Most Wired recognition

CHIME Healthcare’s Most Wired 2019 logo

Northern Arizona Healthcare has earned 2019 CHIME HealthCare’s Most Wired recognition as a certified level 8, by the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives, or CHIME. The Most Wired program conducts an annual survey to assess how effectively healthcare organizations apply core and advanced technologies into their clinical and business programs to improve health and care in their communities. This is the second year NAH has achieved this recognition for acute, or inpatient care; and the first year NAH has achieved a level 8 for ambulatory, or outpatient care. NAH is one out of two healthcare systems in Arizona to be recognized as a certified level 8.

“Being designated Most Wired for the second year in a row and being designated Most Wired for our ambulatory setting shows we are deploying the right technology and the right strategies that will continue to help us achieve meaningful clinical and efficiency outcomes,” said David White, MSN-L, RN, NAH chief nursing informatics officer.

Organizations in levels 7 and 8 meet the criteria for being designated as Most Wired. These organizations have deployed technologies and strategies (e.g., population health/cost-of-care analytics, HIEs/integration engines, and patient portals) to help them analyze their data and are starting to achieve meaningful clinical and efficiency outcomes. Some of these organizations are experimenting with more advanced technologies, like telehealth, that expand access to care.