Our medical libraries in Flagstaff and the Verde Valley offer quick, convenient access to trusted medical information.
When you, a friend or family member is a patient at one of our hospitals, you’ll have the resources you need to learn about a condition, illness or treatment. Publications you and your loved ones may find helpful can be found at the information desk at either library.
Through our two libraries, we deliver current medical information by collecting a wide range of sources to meet the informational and educational needs of our patients, families and staff.
- Connect with the Flagstaff Medical Center Library
- Connect with the Verde Valley Medical Center Library
Did you know?
- We help you gain access to the information you need.
- Our library associates will search for you – or help you search on your own.
- We can help you access information through interlibrary loans.
- Visitors have access to online resources at no cost.
- Faxing, scanning, photocopying and other computer services are available.