Our professional and experienced staff at the Northern Arizona Healthcare Communications Center, a state-of-the-art dispatch facility for 911 and non-emergency calls to Guardian Medical Transport, are committed to providing the highest quality of service to our customers and patients.
Our dispatchers receive calls for emergency and non-emergency medical and fire response, wildland fire support, ambulance standbys and mutual aid requests from neighboring agencies. The Communications Center also provides dispatching services for several area fire agencies, including Junipine Fire, High Country Fire Rescue and Ponderosa Fire.
Our dispatchers also have access to weather radar map overlays and video cameras showing the helicopter landing pad at Flagstaff Medical Center. In addition, we coordinate ambulance response to ensure rapid emergency care for patients in need; for example, survivors of a motor vehicle accident on a highway. With this technology, we can change to mode of transport if necessary due to patient restrictions or changing weather conditions. We work closely with the Public Safety Answer Point, or PSAP, to provide field paramedics and firefighters with the resources and information they need to care for patients and our community.
Our Computer-Aided Dispatch System, or CAD, is used to facilitate automatic geocoding; automatic unit paging of call details to cell phones; automatic export of call details for importation into electronic Patient Care Records systems, or ePCR; and tracking of our units throughout the calls for service. Geocoding is the process of locating a street address, milepost, common location or Global Positioning System, or GPS, coordinate on a Geographic Information Systems, or GIS, map. CAD tracks our units, both vehicle and aircraft, using GPS to transmit constant locations for Automatic Vehicle Location, or AVL, within CAD. It is a necessity for ground vehicles for accurate dispatching of the closest unit.